Today, June 5th 2022, is WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY.
A worthy moment to review our activities.
What progress have we made in environmental protection in the past year? Where can we do even better?
In answering these questions, we are aware of something very important: In strong alliance, together with others we increase results despite all company related activities.
As founding partner of the ERDE-Initative we are happy to announce a total of 32.688 tons of recycled agricultural film in 2021. These recycling numbers are annually increasing as all actors and partners consequently promote and support those recycling activities.
Also the fact of a constantly rising demand on our MANUNATURE® portfolio, reflects the commitment of our customers to sustainable packaging solutions.
We are strongly committed to perform on our mission A natural passion for protection by further development of our sustainable product portfolio, optimisation of recycling processes and networking.
Please join us on Manupackaging LinkedIn for dialogue and information. Soon we will also start with our webinar sessions on sustainable load security. Further updates will follow soon.